I used Pixton when my students couln´t go to school because they were closed because of the Covid pandemic.

The aim was to give them an oppotunity to do a fun activity and practice their writing skills. As you know this tool allows students to have their avatar and make a class picture including the teachers avatar, they really enjoyed this part.

They could write about whatever they wanted, but following some instructions.

1-Think about the idea you want to develop.

2-Remember the specifics about comic writting: how the characters speak, how noises are expressed, how drawings have to also speak

3-Write a draft

4-Go ahead and use the tool.

It would have been better if I have had the chance to read their drafts and to correct them.

This is the link, please read Carolina´s comic.



  1. Hi! Your blog was one of the best ones I could find. The choice of layout really stands out and navigation is a key aspect in my opinion. However, I think it could benefit from different colour in the margins as sometimes it is difficult to read. Perhaps you could this tool for better accessibility: https://colourcontrast.cc/


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