My reading habits have changed over time. When I was younger I use to read a lot more for pleasure, mostly novels. When I had my first child all my attention and time was taken, and when I could read I was too tired. 

When I was a student at University I read a lot, books and essays that were a part of the curriculum.

Nowadays I basically read the digital version of my favourite newspapers, such as El País or Málaga Hoy.

During the summer, when I am more rested and I have more time I find myself enjoying books by the shore at dawn. It sounds idyllic, and It certainly is. I must admit  that the books I read, are usually easy-happy books, at the end of the day, it is still reading.

I usually do not read in English, but I watch all my favourite tv shows and movies in English. I also enjoy watching CNN o BBC and I follow The New York times, and TV shows such as "The Daily show" with Trevor Noah as a host on Instagram. 

In the pictures we can see a library, one of my favourite places in the world, with people reading just for fun, and then a granny with her grandaughter, this is how we have all learnt to love books, by listening to our loved ones read  to us. You can also learn about intonation, vocabulary and ortography.

Other picture shows a class in a school , where all the kids are reading the same book, despite the controversy about making someone read the same book as the next person sitting beside him, I think that reading aloud in a classroom creates a sort of a magic effect. Everybody can give their opinions and peers learn from each other.

The other two pictures where someone is reading on a tablet and a newspaper on the street, I gather that both are cases of leisure reading.
